Indoor 6v6

Featured: Coaching Indoor 6v6 Soccer – Formation and Tactics. Learn in 12 minutes!

Hi Guys,

I set up this page for us to learn more and exchange ideas about indoor 6v6 soccer. It is independent from other Greenwich United stuff. I have never played competitively this type of soccer before, and joining Chelsea Piers league could be a great way of giving it a try. At the same time it is not to substitute or compete against our regular Sunday Practices, or any other GreenUTD activities.

Based on your expressed interest in participating, here is our Chelsea Piers Connecticut, Adult Indoor 6v6 League, 2012 Fall Season Roster: 1. Andrea, 2. Blazej, 3. Chris, 4. Felipe, 5. Javier, 6. Kaihan, 7. Matt, 8. Omar, 9. Paul, 10. Paulo, 11. Wolfgang, 12. Yuval. Should be a strong team!

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[Page Archived, Originally Published in the Fall 2012]